My Chemical Romance Return: Welcoming back the most dangerous band in rock and roll

This is a love letter to the most dangerous band in rock and roll.

After six interminable years away, the emo kings in My Chemical Romance have announced their reunion. Halloween 2019 turned into a day of rejoicing, for the saviors of the broken, beaten and damned had come back to us. 

The music world is not as it was when MCR disbanded in 2013. The loss of this arena rock juggernaut left a gaping hole in the scene that, as far as I’m concerned, has never been filled. Fan forums quietly emptied, whispers of rumors were quickly dismissed and MCR turned into a nostalgic Emo Nite staple as a world of fans mourned. Now that they’ve returned, what does that mean for the MCRmy and beyond? 

Quite simply, these four guys changed music. From humble New Jersey beginnings to sold out arena tours, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero and Ray Toro transformed into cult icons- the “anti-rock and roll” band. There was nothing canned about the MCR experience. Each member poured heart and soul into the music and everything that came with it. They were a band that wanted to save lives, including their own. 

More importantly, MCR was a band with something to say at every turn. They were rock solid in their convictions in everything from remaining hopeful in the face of despair to the treatment of women in music. They advocated for addiction and mental health treatment, sharing their own experiences in the hopes that it would inspire others to get the help they needed and deserved. 

In today’s world of cancel culture, MCR is exactly the band we need. Despite their wild theatricality and larger than life personas, this band was never above the realities of life. Each member struggled with their own darkness, all of which was poured into their music to touch millions of people experiencing the same things. MCR is also a band without scandal- they spit at the idea of groupies, partying and the stereotypes that accompany some of the biggest rock acts in the world.  

And now we get to talk about our favorite band in the present tense once again. This time, social media’s insatiable need for access is going to drive a wave of information that we didn’t have pre-breakup. We’ll get to analyze and theorize in real time, and interact with a whole new generation of fans. The band themselves have been characteristically reticent, posting only briefly to express their surprise and gratitude at the world’s response to their return. 

Safe to say, October 31, 2019, is a day that will live in infamy. An entire subculture has re-awoken, hungry for whatever comes next. Just think- we now have six years of creative endeavors from each member, fueling a reunion that will have a different kind of fire behind it.  We can only hope that December’s comeback show and subsequent festival appearances will be the first of many to come.

Welcome back, MCR. We’ve carried on.

Story by Olivia Khiel