Show Review: SURL brings Korean indie music stateside on Review of Us Tour

Not only is KPOP on the rise in the United States, bands of various genres are emerging as driving forces in Korean music. Indie group SURL is gaining recognition overseas and visited Tucson last week as part of their first Review of Us North American tour. The high school friends turned bandmates had a great audience at Tucson’s historic Club Congress. 

Hoseung, Doyeon, Hanbin and Myeongsuk made the venue’s intimate stage their own, with blue and red lights to set the mood. “Dry Flower” may have a high energy beat, but the lyrics expressed sadness and longing- the track was a fan favorite in a setlist of indie rock hits. 

SURL’s vision of storytelling through their music and lyrics brought warmth and depth to their live show- especially on “Rope”, which featured Myeongsuk’s Led Zeppelin-inspired drumming.

Rock and indie music still has a long way to go to be recognized in Korea, but SURL’s music caters to international fans and embarking on their first North American tour is an incredible achievement that’s sure to take the band to the next level at home and abroad.

Check out more photos from the show! 

Story and photos by Cielo Perez