Show Review: COIN is learning and loving on first stop of Uncanny Valley Tour

You ever love something so much it hurts? Phoenix and the band COIN definitely have and Arizona Financial Theatre shook from the emotion of the first night of the Uncanny Valley Tour on Tuesday.

Pop icons-to-be Blackstarkids took the stage with all their youthful swagger and bouncing energy to kick off the night. The five piece group never stopped moving, getting the audience involved in the set and winning over anyone who hadn’t managed to already have the band on their radar. They’ve barely come up for air since touring resumed and ran through a setlist of material like “Jimmy Neutron” and “Time Flies When You’re Having Fun”.  For the upcoming night of dancing, Blackstarkids was the perfect band to warm up the room and they certainly made the most of their time. 

COIN decorated the theatre’s expansive stage in the aesthetic of their most recent album, adding LED screens and the inflatable ladybug that also adorned much of the band’s merch. With pulsing instrumentals and frenetic lights, COIN jumped right into what ended up being a 25-song setlist that never once let the audience catch its breath.

Not that anyone wanted to stop moving- singer Chase Lawrence made sure his feet barely touched the ground as he flew back and forth to dance and read the signs in the crowd. Highlights of the night included “Take a Picture”, “Valentine” and, of course, “You Are the Traffic”. 

That’s usually where the night begins to wind down, but COIN wasn’t letting us out of their grasp anytime soon. After zooming through yet another handful of songs, we landed on “Loving” before the band returned for an encore of “Crash My Car”.

With several COIN shows under our belts here at Atlas, it’s incredible to see this band continue their upward rise. No one at the venue was ready for the show to end and it’s safe to say that they’ll likely be filling even larger rooms next time we see them.

Check out all the photos from the show! 

Story and photos by Olivia Khiel