Show Review: Coin and Valley make the perfect pairing in Phoenix

Hordes of Phoenix fans crowded into The Van Buren for a sold out dance party with Coin and Valley on Wednesday night. The two bands couldn’t have been a more perfect touring match and the energy levels stayed elevated for hours.

Canadian dreams Valley returned to TVB for the first time in over two years- but this time the room was ready with all the words to the band’s latest releases. From the jumpoff of “Nevermind”, the quartet brought the beat and the boogie, encouraging the room to sing and jump with them. Their 30 minute stage slot seemed to stretch in the best way with songs like “Tempo” and “Hiccup” worming their way into the ears and hearts of the audience. The band is endlessly talented and charismatic and provided an impeccable segue into Coin’s set.

The name of the show was Rainbow Dreamland and Coin delivered with the colors and the fantasy over the course of their 19 song setlist. The band was backed by LED screens and a wall of lights that set the scene as the tracks progressed, each new visual telling a component of the band’s musical story.

As anyone in the crowd would attest, Coin has simply never made a bad song and they had so many to draw from that even their set seemed too short. “Chapstick” kicked things off on the highest note (after an intermission singalong to the likes of Queen and Kelly Clarkson) and it was only up from there. Highlights included “I Don’t Wanna Dance” (a lie based on the way the audience was determined to move), the fans’ vehement shouts at the chorus of “Let It All Out” and the relatable melancholy of “You Are the Traffic”. 

Everyone was so busy dancing that the end of the set came as a surprise before the band reappeared for an encore of “Sagittarius Superstar” and “Talk Too Much”. Bands like Coin come around so few and far between that it would be a disservice to music lovers to not sing their praises- the Rainbow Dreamland tour was a night like no other and we’re excited to see these bands return to Arizona in 2022.

Check out all the photos from the show!

Story and photos by Olivia Khiel