With the mercifully cooling temperatures comes the return of Alt AZ’s Rock It Up! concert series, bringing a whole slew of up-and-coming and beloved bands to the Tempe Marketplace District Stage all fall. The latest event featured Weathers, Moontower, and local group Popsiclestickairport and kicked off the weekend in style.
Popsiclestickairport used the show to their advantage, calling it their release party for EP for Fairies and testing out the new material ahead of their upcoming showcase at Tokyo Beyond Festival. The group’s friends packed the barricade in support, and other early attendees got swept up in the fun, familiar alt pop sounds. With tracks like “Best Friend” and “On Your Mind,” the vibe was set.
Moontower cashed in, continuing the dance party throughout their set. After hosting a stellar show in the Valley just a few months ago, it’s no surprise the fans came back for more. They knew what to do when the band requested help singing “Poolside” (“You’re gonna feel BETTER just reMEMBER”) and how to bounce along with “State of Mind,” and everyone was all smiles.
Crowds like these are why artists come back to Arizona again and again — some, like Weathers, three times in a year. Still, the demand is there to see the L.A. trio strut and swagger, even at a mall. The band hit on favorites like “Problems” and “1983” from their debut album but switched gears from the familiar to play two unreleased songs. Frontman Cameron Boyer enlisted the help of the crowd to sing along with two lines in the chorus, eye makeup glittering under the lights.
To make up for their hesitation on the new tracks, the fans enthusiastically sang along to closer “C’est la vie” while Boyer climbed the rafters and concerned/confused passersby looked on. Here’s hoping the stunt didn’t have consequences so Weathers can make their scheduled return in early 2023.
Check out all the photos!
Story and photos by Taylor Knauf