Everyone with taste in the greater Phoenix area turned out for a little slice of The Paradise Tour with Great Good Fine Ok. The band once again brought their impeccable energy and colorful dance party vibes to The Rebel Lounge this week.
The duo of Luke Moellman and Jon Sandler is also joined by Carey Clayton and Danny Wolf for the live show, backed by glittering instrumentals and all kinds of wild and wacky vocal effects. One kind fan passed out Hawaiian leis before the show, tossing some to the band to keep with the tropical theme of the evening.
The Rebel Lounge’s stage was packed with lights and palm trees, pulling the crowd’s eyes every which way throughout the night. Starting with “So Far So Good” from their newest album, nightclub mode with GGFO was in effect and the dancing continued for the band’s entire setlist.
With no barrier between band and fans, the show was intimate and fun, allowing Moellman to get right up in our faces with his epic keytar and Sandler to show off the dance moves he perfected in the band’s time spent off the road during the pandemic. Songs like “Real” and “Already Love” kept everyone moving and they even snuck in a few older gems like “Easy”, “Touch” and “Like Home”.
Sandler cracked jokes and told stories between songs- looking around the room, the joy on everyone’s face was evident as the room put its hands up for the closer of “Paradise”. The band quickly returned for a two song encore that included the absolute jam that is “Take It or Leave It” before leaving a sweaty and satisfied Arizona crowd to eagerly await their return.
Check out all the photos from the show!
Story and photos by Olivia Khiel