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Show Review: LANY, Keshi brighten up Phoenix on GG BB XX Tour

Lany’s GG BB XX Tour reached Phoenix on Friday, drawing a robust crowd into downtown’s Arizona Federal Theatre. Joined by indie pop artist Keshi, the night was a haze of bright lights and warm vibes.

Keshi provided direct support for the tour and there were plenty of excited fans pressing themselves close to the stage. Fresh from his appearance at 88Rising’s Head in the Clouds Festival, his material and stage presence was perfectly honed. New single “Somebody” was immediately well-received and he broke out the acoustic guitar midway through as well. Keshi’s energy was an excellent complement for Lany’s set to come- the only downside is that we all wanted more.

Lany has retained a large fanbase over the years and filled most of the Phoenix venue on Friday. Playing a long setlist (22 tracks) of mostly newer material, the band found room for older favorites like “Super Far”, “13” and “Thru These Tears”. Frontman Paul Klein was backed by massive LED screens that shifted from lyrics to abstract patterns as the quartet blended seamlessly through the set. 

As is tradition, fans in the pit threw flowers onstage for the band to collect throughout the night and Klein moved restlessly from end to end tossing sunflowers and roses into the air. The crowd remained on their feet till the end as they were sent off with the smash hit “ILYSB” as the voices and lights faded out. 

Check out our photos from the show!

Story and photos by Olivia Khiel