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Show Review: Beach Goons gets Arizona jumping with rowdy show

Beach Goons returned to Phoenix this week on their headlining tour for yet another rowdy show- this time at Crescent Ballroom. Joined by The Fazes and local group Bummer Girl, the California trio had the floor jumping all night long.

Bummer Girl kicked things off and their off-kilter indie rock was definitely the main attraction for some of those in attendance. The band started in one configuration and soon played musical chairs with their instruments to finish off their shred-heavy set.

The Fazes provided the direct support for the night, playing raucously to the rapidly filling room. The venue went crazy for the quartet and they gave that energy right back to a front row and beyond of smiling faces.

There’s just something about Beach Goons that really gets the people going and Arizona understood that assignment. The feverish jumping and moshing began as soon as singer Pablo Cervantes picked up a guitar and never let up for the band’s entire time onstage. Soon enough, fans launched themselves at the band before diving right back into the roiling crowd. 

With their brand of fast-paced punk rock, songs like “A.M.” and “Chunti” always pump up the party. This time, there was new music in the mix and the response was overwhelming. They closed with their signature cover of “La Bamba” and fans flooded the stage to dance with the band as the last notes rang out.

Check out more photos from the show!

Story and photos by Olivia Khiel