Gallery: Friday Pilots Club and The Orphan the Poet lead downtown Phoenix dance party

Four bands, one night only. That was the name of the game when The Orphan the Poet and Friday Pilots Club stopped in downtown Phoenix Tuesday night, the former’s first visit to the Valley. Local groups SweetSummer and DeathPop brought their friends to the gig, and even some out-of-towners braved the heat to catch the up-and-coming acts. 

The headliners, undoubtedly used to having to liven up a space, danced in the glow of their own multicolored standing lights as they performed their own brands of alt rock. “You can even do the dad dance,” said Friday Pilots Club’s Caleb Hiltunen while showcasing a shy shuffle. And to encourage everyone further, he jumped into the crowd and continued the set from the middle of the room. 

Not to be outdone, The Orphan the Poet’s David Eselgroth (literally) elevated the dance party by bringing a stepstool out onto the floor during their set—his own personal platform. The intimate basement venue let fans get up close and involved, the perfect opportunity to say “I was there” when these rising stars hit their stride. 

Check out our gallery for more photos of the show!

Story and photos by Taylor Knauf