Show Review: Beach Goons sell out explosive show at The Roxy

Watching Beach Goons sell out California’s iconic Roxy Theatre was a spectacle worthy of a a jam-packed Saturday night on the Sunset Strip. The SoCal trio blew the doors off the venue, joined by TheBreezeWithFlo and Mijo Mija.


Mexicali group Mijo Mija opened the night with their fun and eclectic sound. The band leaned into their indie roots, infusing their music with the vibe of their hometown and fully charming the sold out room. The quartet each wore a Santa hat and even switched instruments halfway through to shake things up before the second band of the night.


TheBreezeWithFlo pulled up next, launching into a surprisingly soft set of R&B-inspired indie tunes. The group was all love and seduction for their short time onstage, and completely succeeded in heating up the room before the evening’s main event.


As always, the anticipation for Beach Goons was palpable. The venue dropped the curtain, shielding the audience until the perfect moment for the band to emerge- and the place exploded. From the first notes, the crowd surged towards the stage with a frenzy that must be seen to be believed. The band played fast and tight, watching their fanatical audience with an enviable nonchalance as fans were tossed from side to side in their enthusiasm.


Plenty of attendees launched themselves from the stage before crowdsurfing back to jump and shout with the band. Security certainly had their work cut out for them all night, but the smiles in the crowd were proof enough that this was exactly the energy they all wanted from the start. Despite only having one album and few EPs, Beach Goons’ set was a list of fan favorites. Songs like “Vatos Tristes” and “The End” whipped the room into even more of a whirlwind of people, while fans shouted for “Hunny Bunnies” and “A.M.”. In true Beach Goons fashion, bassist David Orozco and drummer Chris Moran played snippets of their favorite pop punk songs before frontman Pablo Cervantez rejoined them for a next-level encore of “La Bamba”. Nearly the entire front half of the audience ended up onstage for this last song while the rest of the room brought even more energy to close an especially stellar moment from Beach Goons.

Check out more photos from the show!
Story and photos by Olivia KhielÂ