Australia exported some of its best up and coming talent to the States for Stand Atlantic and The Faim’s co-headlining run. These killer groups visited Phoenix’s Crescent Ballroom on Wednesday, joined by WSTR and Point North.
Point North and WSTR took their opening band duties very seriously, warming up the room for the main attractions of the night. The boys in WSTR were particularly excited to be back across the pond from the UK, as singer Sammy Clifford got the fans fully involved in the band’s performance.
The Faim took the stage to huge cheers, playing a nearly hour long set. Their onstage chemistry and ease won the room, as the band added plenty of songs from their latest album into the mix. They’ve also clearly bonded with their tourmates, with Stand Atlantic bassist Miki Rich joining The Faim for a song.
Stand Atlantic blasted the room with LED displays, kicking off a rousing sing a long set to end the evening. Dedicated fans stuck around through the delays and the band made it worth their while, even inviting one diehard onstage for “Coffee at Midnight”. Every band on this amazing show certainly felt the love from the room, hopefully signaling a return to America very soon.
Check out photos from the show!
Story and photos by Olivia Khiel